
Saturday, August 29, 2009


GLX is used on Unix OpenGL implementation to manage interaction with the X Window System and to encode OpenGL onto the X protocol stream for remote rendering.

GLU stands for OpenGL Utility library. This is a set of functions to create texture mipmaps from a base image, map coordinates between screen and object space, and draw quadric surfaces and NURBS.

DRI stands for Direct Rendering Infrastructure. In simple terms, it enables hardware-accelerated 3D graphics on Linux. More specifically, it's a software architecture for coordinating the Linux kernel, X Window system, 3D graphics hardware and an OpenGL-based rendering engine.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

IT Communities, Forums and Groups

DaniWeb IT Discussion Community (Software Engineering, Web Development...
Genesim Software - Powerful applications (A lot of good things)

Draw in OpenGL

How to compile a program written in OpenGL

g++ -Wall -O my-program.cpp -lglut -o my-program
In which:
  • -Wall: is a way of saying the compiler that it should output all the warnings
  • -O: says the compiler to use some optimization techniques
  • -l is a linker option stating to include the library followed the -l. Here is glut.

    There is a little extra advantage when using GLUT, if you were developing an OpenGL application you should include the header files gl.h and glu.h (glu is the OpenGL Utility Library) but when you are including glut.h, glut.h guarantees the inclusion of gl.h and glu.h. So when we start and OpenGL application we start by writing:

  • -o: says the compiler that it should produce a binary file whose name is my-program
An Efficient Way to Draw Approximate Circles in OpenGL
An introduction of GLUT (Understand easily)

Draw Text
Faster Text in OpenGL
Drawing Text

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Download videos from in Linux

youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from

Install youtube-dl in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude install youtube-dl

This will complete the installation.

Using youtube-dl

Usage instructions are easy. Use youtube-dl followed by a video URL or identifier.

youtube-dl Example

youtube-dl “”

The video will be saved to the file foobar.flv in that example. As videos are in Flash Video format, their extension should be flv.Check this simple guide to convert .flv files to .mpg

More usage tips

You can change the file name of the video using the -o option, like in

youtube-dl -o vid.flv “”.

Some videos require an account to be downloaded, mostly because they’re flagged as mature content. You can pass the program a username and password for a account with the -u and -p options, like

youtube-dl -u myusername -p mypassword “”.

The account data can also be read from the user .netrc file by indicating the -n or --netrc option. The machine name is youtube in that case.

The simulate mode (activated with -s or --simulate) can be used to just get the real video URL and use it with a download manager if you prefer that option.

The quiet mode (activated with -q or --quiet) can be used to supress all output messages. This allows, in systems featuring /dev/stdout and other similar special files, outputting the video data to standard output in order to pipe it to another program without interferences.

The program can be told to simply print the final video URL to standard output using the -g or --get-url option.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Works have done in this week (10/08-14/08)

  1. Coded the Kosaraju's algorithm to find the strongly connected components
  2. Coded Graph's operations
  3. Understood the Becker's et al paper

A path with no repeated vertices is called a simple path, and cycle with no repeated vertices aside from the start/end vertex is a simple cycle. In modern graph theory, most often "simple" is implied; i.e., "cycle" means "simple cycle" and "path" means "simple path", but this convention is not always observed, especially in applied graph theory. Some authors (e.g. Bondy and Murty 1976) use the term "walk" for a path in which vertices or edges may be repeated, and reserve the term "path" for what is here called a simple path.

A path such that no graph edges connect two nonconsecutive path vertices is called an induced path.

A simple cycle that includes every vertex of the graph is known as a Hamiltonian cycle.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Solutions for moving selected objects in OpenGL

Moving selected objects in OpenGL
Nehe - Lesson 30
From lisp hacker
Mouse event handlers

Research algorithms to optimize the placements

1. Find the longest cycle in the graph
2. Find all pairs shortest path Algorithm

* Sample Code:
* Shortest Path Algorithms:

3. Detect a cycle in the graph

* Extending the shortest-path swarm algorithm to cycle detection:

Websites should discovery

Good coders code, greate reuse
So Jakes Say

Swarm Programming

Swarm Computing